Friday, December 12, 2014

My fourth day at HB was spent with Mrs. Day, a fellow history teacher of MR. Hoffman.  The discussion that took place was on apartheid.  What I found to be interesting was before showing the movie that the class had been preparing for in days prior, she took a short amount of time to made sure that all of her students were on the same page.  I felt it was very important to make sure that the students' minds were active as not to let the content of the movie simply enter through one ear and leave out the other.  The movie itself which was played in both classes I observed was stopped at various points throughout the showing-something I hated as a student, but find to be necessary as a teacher- to make sure that everyone was still focused as well as understanding how the video showed examples of what was relevant to the lesson itself.  This is important because no teacher should be showing a movie for the sake of showing it or filling up a class period so as not to have to stand at the front of the class and teach.  One of the things I found to be most impressive was that when a question by a student was posed, there was no BS answer that would be thrown back at them.  If the information wasn't known Mrs. Day wrote it down on the pad of paper that sat at her desk and she promised to find out the answer, and inform the students the following class.  This proved to be important to me because it showed that she truly cared about the learning of her students.  Liker them, she would be learning as well.  That is the beauty of a classroom, teachers have the ability to learn something new everyday as well.

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